The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has exposed a 65-year-old resident of Kharkiv who publicly justified the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the military crimes of the occupiers.
This information was provided to the publication "Dumka" by Vladyslav Abdula, a representative of the SBU in the Kharkiv region.
According to him, the Kharkiv resident promoted the symbols of the communist regime and published posts on his social media pages where he justified and denied the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
In his messages and comments, the man praised the occupiers. He also repeatedly accused Ukraine of provoking the "course towards the return of the Russian Empire" by the Russian Federation.
An examination initiated by the Security Service confirmed the facts of the individual's information-subversive activities.
During searches, SBU officers discovered communication devices with evidence of criminal activities against the state security of Ukraine.
The man was notified of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 436-1 (distribution of symbols of the communist totalitarian regime) and Part 3 of Article 436-2 (justification and denial of armed aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The exposure and documentation of the illegal activities were carried out by SBU employees in the Kharkiv region in collaboration with the National Police under the procedural guidance of the Saltiv District Prosecutor's Office.