Friday14 March 2025

One of Australia's most elusive marsupials has finally been captured by researchers after years of evasion. Check out the stunning photo!

Scientists employed a groundbreaking drone technology to conduct innovative research.
Одни из самых таинственных сумчатых Австралии долго укрывались от ученых, но теперь их удалось запечатлеть на фото!

Bennett's tree kangaroos are among the most mysterious and elusive marsupials in Australia, managing to evade researchers for a long time. In a recent study, scientists achieved a breakthrough by employing new thermal drone technology to detect these rare animals with unprecedented efficiency, reports Daily Mail.

Tree kangaroos are found only in the tropical forests of Australia and New Guinea. Unlike their terrestrial relatives, they spend their lives in the treetops, feeding on leaves and vines. However, their dependence on trees makes them vulnerable due to deforestation and climate change.

Researchers note that 12 out of 14 species of tree kangaroos are currently listed as endangered. However, scientists still know too little about their populations or habits due to the challenges of studying them in dense tropical forests.

The results of the new research mark a significant advancement, instilling hope for the improved conservation of these elusive animals. During the study, scientists utilized thermal drones capable of detecting animals by their body heat—this helped the team unravel the mysteries of tree kangaroos and focus their conservation efforts.

Bennett's tree kangaroos inhabit the harsh and densely vegetated tropical forests of Australia north of the Daintree River in Far North Queensland. The animals rarely descend from their vine-covered treetops, which can reach heights of up to 40 meters.

Previously, researchers studying this species used traditional methods such as spotlighting and handheld thermal cameras. Unfortunately, these methods are often limited and do not allow for effective kangaroo detection. As a result, systematic surveys of Bennett's tree kangaroos were not conducted, and population estimates were based on outdated observations and unverified data.

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In the new study, scientists aimed to rectify this situation by employing thermal drones equipped with infrared cameras that detect thermal signatures from the air. Warm-blooded animals, such as tree kangaroos, stand out against the cooler backdrop of the tropical forest, even when they are partially concealed by foliage. Consequently, the thermal drone technology provides researchers with a significant advantage over traditional methods.

During the study, scientists conducted three drone flights in the Daintree rainforest observatory, Cape Tribulation, in the morning and evening. In less than an hour of flight, they managed to spot six Bennett's tree kangaroos: among them were a solitary animal, a pair, and a group of three, all corresponding to known habitat size for this species. In comparison, traditional ground surveys often require several nights of observation to detect a single animal.

The researchers' findings indicate that Bennett's tree kangaroos are thriving in the lowland tropical forests of Cape Tribulation. They also plan to continue their research and make it systematic—this will help understand how population density changes depending on forest type, elevation, and other factors.

Another intriguing discovery was the diet of tree kangaroos. Using a color zoom camera on the drone, scientists identified the vines and leaves they consumed. The vine Decalobanthus peltatus and the fire vine Tetracera daemeliana were popular choices on the menu.